So this morning we woke up at 6am to more pouring rain, but it started to clear out as the morning went on just long enough for us to do a short "tramp" as they call it here. We went up to the top of Mt Eden which supposedly is the best view you can get of Auckland city.
Just as we made it back to our hostel it began pouring again, and let's make one thing clear, California does not have rain like this. It's like a mini monsoon. In fact, the weather here seems rather schizophrenic. It will be brilliantly sunny and within 5 minutes the sun will be hidden behind clouds and it will began a torrential downpour only to have the sun peak through again in another 5 minutes. It's going to take some getting used to wearing sunglasses while it's raining, and our rain jackets have already proved to be invaluable.
All in all, it seems like Auckland could be a US city really. It looks and feels a lot like the northwest, but with bay area temperatures and maybe throw in some exotic Hawaiian birds and plants for good measure. The differences are in the details, not the broad strokes. Some things we've noticed so far are that french fries are called chips, cookies are called biscuits, ketchup is tomato sauce, they put sweet beats or something like that onto hamburgers (delicious by the way) and peanut butter is in no way as sweet as in the US. Jelly is no longer optional.
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